Mobile Chiropractor Post Falls ID

Yes, there is a Mobile Chiropractor in Post Falls ID! Dr. Mason Stewart drives to you, providing chiropractic care in the comfort of your own home.

Dr. Mason Stewart, DC of New Leaf House Call Chiropractic in Post Falls, ID sets up to adjust the neck of a female patient.

Do you cover all of Post Falls, Idaho?

Of course!


Whether you live near State Line, across the Spokane River, or up on the prairie, we’ve got you covered.


As a mobile chiropractor, we drive to you!


Get treated in or near Post Falls ID at your home, workplace, gym, or one of our partner locations.

What are the benefits of seeing a Mobile Chiropractor?

You’re looking for a chiro, so you already know that chiropractic can help you have less pain, move easier, and breathe better.

So why see a mobile chiropractor?

We provide chiropractic adjustments, but we also teach you targeted exercises and lifestyle improvements to keep you feeling better. 

What better place to improve your health habits than at home?

We do mobile chiropractic to make staying healthy and pain-free more convenient than ever.

Dr. Mason Stewart, DC of New Leaf House Call Chiropractic in Post Falls, ID sets up to adjust the lower back of a male patient.
Dr. Mason Stewart, DC of New Leaf House Call Chiropractic in Post Falls, ID sets up to adjust the upper back of a female patient.

Ready to start?

Contact us today to make an appointment to see Dr. Stewart, your Mobile Chiropractor in Post Falls ID.


Or if you have questions, the green button below will take you to our online scheduling site Jane to set up a free Discovery Call.